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All ages can use the Needak Rebounder.Rebounding Benefits the Body...

Rebounding is an exercise that can reduce your body fat; firm your legs, thighs, abdomen, arms, and hips; increase your agility; improve your sense of balance; strengthen your muscles over all; provide a great exercise for your heart; rejuvenate your body when it's tired, and generally put you in a state of improved health and fitness.

It’s safe and effective for people of all ages – even Seniors.   The mini-trampoline provides a mild or vigorous cardio-vascular aerobic workout without jarring sensitive joints or the spine.  The stabilizing bar allows those with physical challenges to enjoy a great worry-free workout.

...in 30 Healthful ways


It increases capacity for respiration (utilizing more of the lung tissue)


It circulates more oxygen to the tissues.


It establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available to the muscles.


It causes muscles to perform more efficiently in moving fluids through the body, lightening the heart's load.


It tends to reduce the elevation of arterial pressure during exertion.


It helps blood pressure return quickly to normal after heightened activity.


It helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.


It aids lymphatic circulation, as well as blood flow in the veins of the circulatory system.


It increases the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.


It encourages circulation to the extremities (the hands, feet, brain).


It strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work   more efficiently.


It conditions the resting heart to beat slowly and rhythmically.


It lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


It stimulates the metabolism.


It promotes cellular growth and repair.


It tones up the glandular system, especially good for the thyroid.


It adds to the alkaline reserve of the body which may be of significance in an emergency when prolonged effort is required.


It helps the cells to attain their optimal chemistry.


It generates general bodily strength.


It expands the body's capacity for fuel storage and endurance.


It improves transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.


It develops muscular vigor and increased muscle fiber tone.


It relieves neck and back pain, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise.


It enhances digestion and elimination.


It causes better sleep and sustains relaxation.


It results in better mental performance, with keener memory function.


It curtails tiredness and fatigue.


It boosts the immune system, minimizing susceptibility to colds, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.


It tends to slow down and reverse the physical signs of aging.


It reduces the likelihood of obesity.

Using the ReBounder, you can easily exercise in your own living room, your office, and/or your yard. It's the safest, most convenient, metabolically effective form of cardio-vascular Sitting with the Stabilizer Barexercise equipment available. 

Don't let a balance concern (feeling unsteady on your feet) prevent you from joining in the fun & exercise.

By adding the Stabilizing Bar to your Needak® Soft-Bounce™ Rebounder you can have the confidence and security you want. This unique device adjusts to three different height levels - one bar fits all.  Simply hold the bar as you walk, step, and/or bounce.

Product Name Price Purchase
Needak Soft-Bounce FOLDING Rebounder $249.95 + $39.95 S&H
Needak Soft-Bounce NON-FOLDING Rebounder $219.95 + $39.95 S&H

Needak's Stabilizing bar is fully portable.  It easily disassembles into 4 pieces which can be stored in the rebounder carrying bag for true portability.

This bar offers those who feel unsteady on their feet a greater sense of security while rebounding.

Stabilizing BAR $49.95

For those weighing over 300 pounds, please order the Classic Rebounder. It has a more resilient surface to support greater weight. Prices are the same.

Needak Classic FOLDING Rebounder
$249.95 + $39.95 S&H
Needak Classic NON-FOLDING Rebounder $219.95 + $39.95 S&H
Senior Rebounding - "Oldies But Goodies" By Charles Tyler - Beginning Level Excercise Video for Seniors $19.95 + $3.95 S&H

Charles "JoJo" Tyler leads an exercise routine designed for older rebounders.


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