jan dacri

“Everyone wants to have a better memory. That’s why Jan’s program is so popular with people in every industry.”ConExpo


















"MindBody TuneUp;
Repair Your Memory - Exercise Your Mind"


How's your memory these days? Is your brain drained by mid-afternoon? Do you waste time searching for your glasses or keys? Do those all-important appointments slip your mind amidst overwhelming multi-tasking and endless daily “To-Dos"? Is remembering names nearly impossible? Perhaps your Mental Computer could use an upgrade of increased Memory Power!

Join Jan Dacri, M.A., for a dynamic, highly interactive workshop in memory improvement. This entertaining, fun and practical session promises to boost your power of concentration, mental efficiency, and ability to recall names, facts, and all sorts of information you must remember on a daily basis.
You'll learn how to practice stimulating mental exercises to strengthen your memory and apply simple, effective techniques to reduce stress and eliminate mental fatigue. After one session with Jan, you’ll know how to keep your mind sharp and clear, and your brain alert and energized during and after a long day at the office.

An optional on-screen PowerPoint presentation enhances retention of the material. The top-notch printed workbook used during the session has excellent take-home value. Workbooks and handouts come in brief or long versions; and are also available on CD-ROM.



Improve Your Memory, Increase Your Sales

Most of us use less than 10% of our mind's potential. Memory improvement expert, Jan Dacri demonstrates exciting possibilities and shows you how to access the other 90%. You'll come away from her session feeling that YOU ARE CAPABLE of tapping into Maximum Mind & Memory Power. Increase your capacity to remember names and faces, facts, to-do's, all you need and want to know. Inspiring and practical with applications you'll use to increase sales and improve your memory in your business and personal life.

The learning is fun, entertaining, with highly interactive audience participation.
PowerPoint on screen and printed handouts, further enhance the retention of the material and its “take-home” value.

In-House Programs


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