![Paul Gwinn and Alberta Gwinn](images/senior_photos/paul_alberta_gwinn_200.jpg)
![Mary Milewsky](images/senior_photos/Mary_Milewsky_200.jpg)
![Avon Overholser](images/senior_photos/avon_overholser.jpg)
![Iris Overholser](images/senior_photos/iris_overholser.jpg)
We are so confident that the Memory Secrets course will help you to improve your memory that we offer a 200% money back guarantee. Our 200% money back guarantee states that you will see a marked improvement in your memory through the use of the Memory Secrets course. To show that you have, in good faith, used the Memory Secrets course we require that the fully filled out book is returned. To receive the 200% refund, please return your fully filled out book along with all other materials within 120 days of purchase. Since we cannot verify group changes in memory acuity, the 200% money back return policy applies only to the Individual Complete Memory Course.
You may return new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Memory Secrets within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error. Items should be returned in their original product packaging.
Before returning any purchase, please contact us for return instructions and we will issue you a return number.
In the rare case that a refund is requested, it will be honored within 7 days. We will refund all monies paid, less shipping charges, when requested, provided that the request is made in writing and within 30 days of the receipt of the purchase. If an item is broken, damaged or not satisfactory, we will replace or refund the item, at our discretion. Our goal is to keep our customers happy, and therefore will examine each request for refund or adjustment on a case-by-case basis.
We will not accept merchandise for refund without prior approval. To obtain such approval, customers must call or write to us and explain the reasons for the requested refund. We will then provide a return authorization number which must be placed clearly on the outside of the box or envelope and in writing within the box along with the item(s). We reserve the right to dispute chargebacks. International Refunds may be in the form of a merchandise credit which may be used for future purchases.
For refund questions, damaged or incorrect information or return information, call us at 702-253-9392 or email us at jan@jandacri.com
www.jandacri.com reserves the right to change these Terms of Service at any time at its discretion and to notify users of any such changes solely by changing the above Terms of Service. Your continued visits to this website after the posting of any amended Terms of Service shall constitute your agreement to be bound by any such changes. Your use of this site prior to the time this Terms of Service was posted will be governed according to the Terms of Service that applied at the time of your use.